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Screeching Weasel

A punk band out of Chicago, Illinois. Mostly known because Blink 182 covered their song "The Girl Next Door"

Screeching Weasel
My Brain Hurts
Anthem For A New Tomorrow
How To Make Enemies and Irritate People
Kill The Musicians
Bark Like a Dog
Television City Dreams
Teen Punks In Heat

by Matt November 11, 2004

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screeched to a halt

When someone's "Skid marks" are so bad that the word "skid" is insufficient to describe them.

Skid marks? Those brown stains were so bad it was more like he screeched to a halt!

by ben_jammin February 21, 2007

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screeching weasel

(v) - The act of swallowing a lit marijuana blunt to avoid confrontation or arrest from police

Stoner: Quick! Do a screeching weasel, there's <5-0> behind us.

by CMoore014 September 10, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Autistic screech

A screech that an autistic child makes. Like this: REEEEEEEEEE!

An autistic screech is REEEEEEEE!

by Shzhshzuxux May 5, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

autistic screeching

the effect of a certain individual usually male with a ridiculous man bun and disgusting chin hair getting smacked

as soon as I smacked alberto the autistic screeching began.

by mmokey June 15, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Puberty Screech

Another way of saying when a boy's voice cracked.

Josh: Ben's voice cracked more than a brocken vase.
Carter: That was a nice Puberty Screech .

by Carter S. C. January 2, 2008

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Screeching Locust Blow

This is done when one places a Chinese whistle in their ass hole. The whistle holder is then assisted by their partner, who breathes heavily into the securely mounted whistle until maximum pressure is achieved. Then the assistant removes mouth from whistle and immediately punches the whistle holder in the belly. The force from the blow will create the sound of a screeching locust. This works even better when the whistle holder is wearing some fluffy angel wings and green goggles.

I was worried last night that I would wake the kids when I gave my wife/husband a screeching locust blow, but they managed to sleep right through it. It's a good thing, because that would be a tough one to explain.

by fartwhisperer July 15, 2010

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