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the sinners

the group of assholes that hate rat gang

rat: hi you know the sinners right
rat 2:yeah we burned them last week

by high lord of the rat council May 10, 2020

The sinners

Def 1: Known people in your world that you disdain, or are in most places not welcome.
Def 2: a mental concept of what someone else is. (Accurate or not)
Def 3: human beings who are living in pain because they learned wrong.
Def 4: your friends of ill repute who are genuine freinds.
Def 5: fake freinds of good reputation who rejoice over slander.

"...and this was the testimony against them"
"you where associated with them: the sinners."

by TheRecconingofyourmotives. August 8, 2021