Source Code


When you taken a round steak (preferably rotten) and ambush a friend/stranger by

1) slapping them across the face with said round steak
2) Throwing it at them baseball style/ Favre style shuffle pass acceptable as well.

3)Launching out of a water balloon launcher at the victim'm domepiece
4)stealthily hiding in a tree and casually dropping the R.S. on the victims heat.

Then you have to yell "gotcha son" and run away

We need to go see David in the hospital...that water balloon launcher nearly round-staked his ass to the grave

by captainanamous August 2, 2011


The most common definition of Staking is used when criminals know that the police has been watching a certain area or place they know is vulnerable to crimes.

Another definition of Staking is when a person smokes weed over a period of 3-4 days while playing RuneScape.

"Dammit, looks like the cops have been staking the place!"

"You have been staking, and lost all your shit again you fucking faggot"

by Spran October 16, 2017


Originally used as a way of earning rewards for holding certain cryptocurrencies, has now turned into code for masturbation.

Where is “NYMZ”?,

ohh he is staking again”.

by STAKER August 21, 2022

When The World's At Stake

The second best song from Starkid's 'The Trail To Oregon' beat only by Wagon On Fire

Person 1:yo have you heard of When The World's At Stake
Person 2: yeah it's really good, not as good as Wagon On Fire tho

by TheSolveItSquadAHHHHHHHHHH February 4, 2023