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Saggy Bags

What you would call a woman with extremely flabby and low-hanging breasts. Especially someone who should have much firmer ones.

Call Saggy Bags in Marketing and ask her if she finished that spreadsheet yet.

by HD ADD April 26, 2007

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saggy boobs

pretty self-explanatory which might arouse the question why?. I don't know why. Why do people feel the need to define "omfg" for example?...but for those who may not know, saggy boobs commonly referred to as saggies, are typically female breast which hang 6 inches inferior to the top set of abdominals. Not necessarily a bad thing unless one has 40+ years of age under their belt (NOTE: there are always exceptions.).

Young Chap: While once observing a porno featuring Beyonce, I noticed that the beautiful young lady had what appeared to be saggy boobs. But I did my research and reluctantly found that she was 3/4 of an inch away from the designated marker.

by samsonite joe May 8, 2007

70๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Saggy Penis

Where the bottom of a mans cock swells up and then saggs Down for about 4 days meaning he can't get laid in this time.

John had a saggy penis after running 800 metres.

by The Fucker 69 October 11, 2016

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Saggy Turkey

A sexual act done while fisting a person (male or female) where you turn the inserted hand and open fingers then quickly thrust the hand inside the anus or vagina. While preforming this make a turkey gobbling sound the recipients flopping balls and penis (or breasts if female) will resemble the gizzard of a turkey.

the gobbling sound emitted from Matt's room indicated that he had finally preformed the elusive saggy turkey on Phil's anus.

by CoxHall Master October 14, 2007

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Saggy bagger

A male who has an average to below average sized penis yet insists on purchasing/using condoms made for an extra large penis (ie Trojan magnums) and in doing so creates a loose fitting or saggy condom when placed on their penis.

That saggy bagger seriously tried using a magnum on his five inch penis so I had to bail.

by Allilue October 16, 2011

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Saggy Vag

When ones vagina hangs so low it drags in the dirt.

"OMG Kangan has a saggy vag, look at it, its picking up all of that dirt.

by Vag Brace July 28, 2008

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Saggy Maggies

Droopy breasts, usually on an older woman. From Cypress Hill: "Remember sista Maggie; Her tits were kinda saggy; Used to sell me buddah outta fucked up little baggies".

"She'd still be ok for a go, swing the saggie maggies eh?"

by Anonymous June 23, 2003

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