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Black cock in the ass


Hey sexy, wanna talk about the Holocaust?”

“Black cock in the ass” *proceeds to shit*

by Fuck Alex he’s a bitch November 22, 2021

go suck a big juicy black mans cock

a way of saying "go play dead cells its a good game"

hey bro, go suck a big juicy black mans cock
oh dont worry bro, I already have, its great

by gayfaguwu September 30, 2023

4👍 1👎

Black Cock Sandwich

Like a Cock Meat Sandwich, except this time the cock is black.

The fat guy at work said his favorite meal to share with his family is Black Cock Sandwich

by MdizzLe69 May 8, 2024

Black Cock Sandwich

Like a regular Cock Meat Sandwich, except this time the cock is black.

Jay asked his dad if he'd like to share a Black Cock Sandwich when they got to St. Louis.

by MdizzLe69 May 8, 2024

black cock

it's a very rare and specific specie of animal, it's vey very very VERY huge and long, it loves eating cUm and loves playing with da balls, ohhhhhhhhhh my gawd, if you will ever find one, make sure it'll not run away

i like this new animal, what's its name? black cock my guy its a very rare specie

by gejgjuhwuigfjguisw March 16, 2023

black cock

when a black guy has a cock

look at the big black cock

by wocky nuts masta March 17, 2021