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Cosgrove Catastrophe

When one sprints away from the scene after a poor sexual performance.

Lee- “Did you hear about Sean, I heard he pulled a Cosgrove Catastrophe last night?
David- “Poor girl.”

by Dshealy22 April 30, 2021

Catastrophic coverage

In health insurance, it refers to a health plan with such a high deductible (the amount that you pay out of pocket before the plan pays anything) that it will only be likely to cover you in the case of a serious health catastrophe such as heart surgery, cancer, or an accident requiring multiple procedures and surgery.

Catastrophic coverage is less expensive than other plans, but you get what you pay for.

by Simmaniac November 10, 2018


A trophy for the cat with the cutest bum (say catastrophe broken into 3 different parts slowly)

“And whiskers is the winner for the catastrophe!”

by SwiftieFan13-19 July 15, 2024


The First Canonical God in Riley's Dream Tales. Often a burnt scrotum, Catastrophe will do anything to be neutral.

Riley: I'm Catastrophe
Calamity: Welcome back, Catastrophe

by Layton, Hershel April 7, 2021

catastrophic raid failure

Catastrophic RAID failure means your ultra-secret data saw the attack helicopters over the horizon and locked itself in the impenetrable underground bunker and detonated landmines and deployed automated weaponry all around the base. Enemy forces were wiped out in their entirety.

The good news is that your data is secure and bravely refused to allow itself to be compromised. Bad news is that I don't think your data is ever coming out of there again.


Unfortunately earlier today the host that your VPS resides on had suffered a catastrophic RAID failure and was irrecoverable. We had attempted to restore the data but were unsuccessful. We have since created a new container and emailed you the new login information. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.


by Peculiar Musings March 22, 2016

catastrophic clipping

When your cut your nails at a weird angle, you cut the end of the nail. If removed, it causes pain and bleeding for 2~3 days. If left, causes annoyance and will lead to removing of nail

Jonathan cuts nail

Cuts downward to much
J:Motherfucker, I messed up now I got a catastrophic clipping

by Rick’n’ Roll July 4, 2020

catastrophic litigation potential

A dangerous legal situation where the potential for litigation and the effects thereof could cause permanent widespread damages to all parties.

The catastrophic litigation potential is huge on the new case. There's a chance everyone will be fired and go to prison.

We thought there was catastrophic litigation potential but it was just a false alarm.

by Ontological June 24, 2018