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holy trinity of classic rock

Led Zeppelin's untitled album, Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon," and The Who's "Who's Next." These albums are regarded as the "holy trinity of classic rock" for their overwhelming popularity, the quality of their music, and their contributions to the airwaves. The fact that songs from these albums may be overplayed on classic rock stations only cements their importance to the "genre."

"We Won't Get Fooled Again" is a song from "Who's Next," a component of the holy trinity of classic rock.


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Classic Rock Douchebag

An exceptionally stubborn individual, usually over the age of 45, that adamantly listens on to rock and roll music that is pre-1995, but then bitches and complains that rock and roll has basically died out and the music industry is nothing but rap and country and pop, yet they still refuse to listen to modern rock and roll artists "because it just isn't the same as the older stuff", so they do nothing to support the current rock industry

I used to be such a classic rock douchebag until one day I realized how much good music I was allowing myself to miss out on, now I love rock and roll music from all decades and genres

by Kramardi September 15, 2022


One of the last remaining genres of music that hasn't been abused to hell.

Guy Who Listens To Pop Music: HEY BRO YO CAN I CRASH HERE YOLO

Guy Who Listens to Classic-Rock: No, you are a stupid douche, come back when you have a real taste in music and culture.

by ThatGuyWhoPostsDefinitionsOnUD June 18, 2012