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Consensual raunchy

When a song or media contains content that is lewd or sexual in nature and all participants agree without coercion.

Nelly’s song “hot in here” contains consensual raunchy lyrics when he say “ It's gettin' hot in herre So take off all your clothes” and she replies “I am gettin' so hot, I wanna take my clothes off”

by June 3, 2023

non consensual streaming

When a streaming service i.e. Hulu or Netflix auto plays a Movie or TV show you would never agree to willingly watch--and then you realize Comcast is going to charge you for streaming something that never should have been a thing--EVER!

Non consensual Streaming is when after binging every episode of Homicide Hunter in existence, and several documentaries Netflix auto plays the family friendly kids movie Trolls...

You didn't like trolls as a kid, why?! Just...why? Netflix?


Are you drunk?

by RebelWhiteMage August 16, 2017

Consensus currency

A currency such as bit coin which is only as valuable as it’s owners collectively believe.

Person 1: Wanna buy some consensus currency?
Person 2: I don’t consent. It’s not actually worth anything.

by Frono21 May 21, 2021

Consensual Penis

When you have consent to touch a penis.

Tracy's mans said she could touch her penis. Therefore it is a consensual penis.

by Creek_Jackson3764 November 20, 2021

Consensus Inertia

Consensus inertia (Noun): The resistance to change that comes from the need for a majority of people to agree to the proposed change.

The board of directors was stuck in a state of consensus inertia, unable to move forward due to a lack of agreement on the proposed changes.

by Phieyl January 16, 2023