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Ground Eel

An animal to be wary of while taking a duece in the woods.

He went behind the tree to take a shit, after a few minutes a blood curteling scream peirced the night. We found our friend dead with a gushing wound where his asshole used to be. We assumed it was ground eels.

by Spolio Opima November 16, 2008

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Eel botherer

One who inserts eels in their rectum for sexual pleasure; an individual of questionable sexual tastes.

'He/she looks a bit of an eel botherer to me.'

by Bob Hopes January 21, 2004

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conger eel

a penis that never becomes fully erect, even during ejaculation

brittney was VERY dissapointed. she expected a throbber and he only had a conger eel

by theWestHamfan November 17, 2003

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Escaping Eel

1) An erection resembling an "eel escaping" that results from getting aroused while wearing basketball shorts or other light lower-body clothing.

2) Extremely embarrassing, especially if near females.

#1: Oh man dude, gross. Jerry has an Escaping Eel.

#2: Yeah, those chicks are pretty hot. No wonder.


by Socia1 S1ayer September 15, 2009

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love eel

-slang for gel keyboard wrist support
(the shape and flexibility are similar to that of an eel)
-referring to its alternative use as a pleasure toy for him or her

"how's the carpel tunnel syndrome since you started using that cool keyboard wrist support?"
"even worse actually, it hasn't been supporting anything but my masterbation addiction, in turn making my carpel tunnel even worse."
"woah, i never thought of it like that...no wonder they call it the love eel."

by eryneryn July 12, 2006

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Shy Eel

When you have an impressively large poop, but place it just right to where it swims up the plumbing and just a head is poking out of the little hole looking up at you.

I got home from a long road trip and waited to long to use the restroom. When I finally did, I birthed the hugest Shy Eel ever!

by Chub17 March 29, 2018

Eel Soup

Eel soup is the story of a Japanese woman who cannot eat so needs to be fed through her butthole. Due to a rare medical condition, the only food that she is able to eat is live eelsโ€ฆ through her ass. A truly heart warming story from Japan, be warned it may contain adult content. Unlike Octopus Girl, fortunately her vagina is covered so as to maintain her dignity throughout the movie.

Person A: I tried Eel Soup when I was in Germany, it actually tasted very good!
Person B: *Vietnam flashbacks"
Person A: What's wrong?
Person B: You wouldn't get it

by koreandaaa September 28, 2021