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"Fuck off Yank"

An expression used when a yank is being rowdy.

Yank: "blah blah blah" *obnoxious yank opinion*
You: "FOY!"

by CocaineAndCaviar June 1, 2018


This is used when a Male feels an interest and enjoyment to feminine things but enjoys more masculine things as well. After times how a male will like working out and having muscles but also like wearing dresses. They also do not wish to be female so they aren’t really trans.

Person1: “hey Tyler, you seem to enjoy painting your nails and wearing make up, but you say you don’t want to be a girl and like being the gender that you are. What exactly is your gender?”

Tyler:”I would mostly identify as a Foy.

by Mr.Luna September 7, 2021


Full of yourself
Someone who thinks they're wonderful and marvelous

How can you be so foy and not be a narcissist?

by Liquid language March 20, 2018

jake foye

Bro gets 0 pussy

Jake foye always cares abt women but never get them

by D1cklpver November 30, 2021

hoy foy

An account used for people who are referred to as sweaty hogs at video games

Jakes hoy foy account is so sweaty

by PARENTEAU5 May 14, 2018