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Untitled's fun time

Where a gender fluid person has sex with another gender fluid person that look like videogame characters. The two people ussaly are ok to show sexual affection to each other infront of close friends.

They had Untitled's Fun Time

by UntitledArtistAndAnimator October 15, 2017

wiener fun time

the act of sex or sexual play involving two people and a penis. The opposite of wiener sad time.

Guy 1: Dude, how did you do last night?
Guy 2: Tiffany and I totally had wiener fun time!
Guy 1: Awesome.

by sk8likmullen411 July 14, 2011

alligator fun time

do be butt fucked with a dildo while eating alligator nuggets, then you proceed to shove them up your asshole.

oh susan we did alligator fun time and i dont think i can recover from it this time

by oofer101 January 23, 2018

Blasted Fun Time

The act of getting stoned as shit before going to plaster fun time

"Me and the Mrs had fun day. We had some lunch, walked through the park, then we decided to go have some blasted fun time. we smoked 3 bowls each in the car before we went in. everyone looked at us like we were crazy but we had a good time"

by DameonSpawn September 6, 2016

Bestie fun sparkle time

The time of the day when you and your besties unleash your inner sparkle!

Omg! You guys had bestie fun sparkle time without me?

by Your mom goes to college - Pip September 2, 2022

fun time slurpy chug

Its an inside joke

You won't get it

yo mum a fun time slurpy chug

by Oxford143 November 16, 2018