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Garth Hill

If you wanna meet kids that do bad shit or if you want to send your kid to a school to get bullied for and getting exclusions for the sad reasons like waking on the right side in the corridor then welcome

“Hey you heard that road man in yr7 that had *** with my mate?”

“Oh must be a Garth Hill kid”

by shh... 🤫 April 18, 2019


Garththescarf, also known as Christy's boyfriend. A Garth spends his time networking clans on RuneScape, specifically Cutthroat. His return has been announced with a trailer. Beware for this man.

Holy shit. Look at Garth, he's the absolute icon of peak male performance. What a chad.

by Not nf aidrian April 23, 2019


One who tries way too hard, never takes showers, and dresses like a dork.

That try-hard in my math class is a Garth, he is a know it all and you can smell him from across the room

by Kriptyy February 2, 2023

Garth Brookes Mother Fucker

A best friend turned enemy who is “burning bridges”.

Man, fuck Brandon he is the one who called the cops on me, that Garth Brookes Mother Fucker.

by $PeachitUp$ August 22, 2022

Garth Stanley


That Garth Stanley

by GSP07R July 16, 2019

Barf Garth

A boy who is very clingy, but does not really know anything about you, and overly uses inappropriate compliments in random contexts to try to get you to go out with him. He also gets mad you when you can't drop everything to be able to go out, as he realizes his gross compliments have failed. Gets mad fro a day, then it all starts over again the next morning.

omg that guy last night was such a barf garth.

by london2018 February 22, 2017

The Joel Garth

A person who is oddly infatuated with Garth Brooks.

Garth is love, Garth is life said the Joel Garth.

by The Joel Garth October 15, 2019