Source Code

Peter Griffin

a fat guy who likes Bad words

Peter Griffin's Dead

by 22323w April 30, 2019

Peter Griffin

A Fat guy who's brain cell is a size of a peanut

Hey, Peter Griffin is fat cracker

by underscoreboard May 10, 2023

Peter Griffin

Peter Griffin is a fictional character from the "Family Guy" show. Peter is the main character in many episodes of the show while being the "family guy".

He also says "Here's to the ones that we got, cheers to the wish you were here but you're not"

Wow, Peter Griffing singing Memories Is so sick.

Petah, the horse is here.

by IbrokeMyBalls September 15, 2022

peter griffin


"what the fuck its peter griffin"


by DONKFORTRESS April 3, 2023


The group of boys who are annoying

Nolan+Peter+Griffin are soooo annoying

by TheoCat March 2, 2022

Peter Griffin Educates me

Peter Griffin's show: Family guy gave me my education

"Peter Griffin educates me"

by jsjdkj February 2, 2023