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If you're one, you'll know

You know Garett?
YEA That nigga a savage, can sure fuck my dad anytime

by Ale_Keef December 11, 2015



Whitey1: sup wigga
Whitey2: Damn dose iz savage shoes
Whitey1: thx foo

by Josh July 30, 2003

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Barack Obama's Presidential Correspondents Dinner 2016 Speech
*drops mic*

savage real gangster thuglife mr. president beast

by Real AZNG May 3, 2016

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1) Violent, brutal, or uncontrolled;
2) Uncivilized or primitive;
3) Person who states a "brutal" opinion, without care of feelings or consequence.

1) The savage animal that attacked her had her admitted into the hospital.
2) In early European colonial expansion, the tribes of Africa were seen as savage due to not being on par with European civilization.
3) After the rapper, Kanye West, interrupted Taylor Swift during her award at the 2009 MTV "Video Music Award" ceremony he was called "savage".

by Manumitter November 18, 2015

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very good

cam be used to discribe cool things/people. when used with people, a person is a savage, or a sav for short. if a person completes a great task they are a savage.

1. that guy that climbs on all the roofs and paints frogs on them is a savage, i would never have thought of that.

2. that tofu sandwitch was savage.

3. dude, your dad is a savage for smoking us out again.

by tofurock July 14, 2004

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A bad ass mother fucker who got balls to do anything

Tomar Sagi is savage

by Savage motherfucker November 25, 2015

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Acknowledgement that someone matchlessly owned someone else.
Usually used in comments section of websites but can be applied in real world too.

Conversation about cat sitting on pile of Legos and apparently not feeling pain:
-Because they don't weight 60kg.
-Cute that you want to make people think you only weight 60kg.
-It's average human weight.
-Well finally, you're above average at something!
Random passerby or person in comments section:

by Grompok August 23, 2016

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