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Seman septic

A guy who takes many "loads" orally or anal and holds them inside themselves.

Jordan: "man I've been feeling really sick this week"
Alex: " it's cause all you've done is be a seman septic"
Jordan: "it's only ten loads!"
Alex: "....seman septic"

by Knoxxturnal September 30, 2021

Septic Nark

When getting your septic pumped, the man finds multiple condoms floating at the top of the shit and says something about it (a result of young boys flushing their condoms down the toilet trying to be sneaky)

"Man, thought it was a good idea to flush the connies down the toilet so no one would find them, but that Septic Nark found them floatin there and got me totaly busted."

by Peter Grandview April 1, 2008

SEPTIC juice

SEPTIC juice trash dumpster tank ho whore skank slut

She is worse than trash. She is SEPTIC juice.

by allthingzpossible November 20, 2018

Septic kiss

When two people pull their buttcheeks apart and touch assholes

Wanna get crazy and give me a fresh septic kiss?

by Tjbigga August 19, 2023

Septic Kiss

When solid output into the toilet is ongoing, you flush while still seated to "clear things up." The toilet clogs (unbeknownst to you!); the water rises up and kisses your ______.

"Honey, you just took a shower...why are you in there again?"

"Oh my GOD! I got Septic Kissed!"

by Elk e summer September 20, 2011