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arbor snowboards

the best damn snowboards known to mankind!!! made specifially for more advanced riders they have a bamboo core which means its ultra flexible but still extremely strong. it rides like a Cadillac compared to the typical fords . provides good riding no matter where you plan to go. park, back country, upper bulls, powder runs, street. its got mad crazy pop i defiantly would suggest it.

typical amateur boarder: dude i got a new burton

more advanced rider: you have much to learn my son. arbor snowboards are where its at.

by bubba ducky November 18, 2008

Snowboard Kids

a snowboarding game from japan for nintendo 64 in the 90's.

kid 1: "dude, why are you playing snowboard kids?"

kid 2: "because it rules my fucking life man"

by your mother123454 October 1, 2008

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Russian Snowboard

The act of having sex with the man positioned behind the woman on the top of a large flight of stairs. Just as the male ejaculates he pushes the woman down the stairs and rides her face first to the bottom.

Man: I gave Jimmy's mom a Russian Snowboard and she has been in a coma for three weeks. How is she doing?
Doctor: She'll never walk again...
Man: Epic...

by RSB4L March 23, 2010

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nude snowboarding

snowboarding while nude... this is very fun because u testes can be waving in teh cold wind

man kirby is such a slut she went nude snowboarding with drew

by jeff sloane February 10, 2008

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ghetto snowboard

A skateboard deck with the wheels and trucks removed, used as a snowboard.

Can't afford to fork over $400 for a snowboard? Just grab a skateboard deck with no wheels and shred the gnar with your ghetto snowboard, ya cheap bastard.

by Midnight Noon February 27, 2018

snowboarding outfit

the most outrageous, ridiculous and eye burning outfit you can find, the more you look like the color wheel threw up on you, the better. Pants have to be skin tight, and if you can't pull that off, they must be baggy and at the highest reaching your knees. jackets/hoodies must always be eight times larger than your frame. if you aren't wearing skullcandy headphones, you must kill yourself. the only acceptable goggles are the ones that do nothing for your sight, but are different looking. ***note that this only applies to douchebags that try too hard***

-"dude look at that guy's snowboarding outfit, he probably thinks he's sweet as fuck"
-"hahha what a tool"

by therealboarder December 23, 2010

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Freestyle Snowboarding

freestyle snowboarding is split up into three main subcatagorys.

Park - hitting kickers and wedges to get air and land spins and grabs. Can be pretty painfull without protection.

Pipe - Been in the media a lot due to Olympics. Involves riding up the two walls of a half pipe landing grabs and spins. ussually sheet ice due to use it recieves resulting in very painfull slams.

jibbing - one of the coolest types of freestlye snowboarding. involves hitting rails, boxes, picnic benches, fences, walls and even cars. anything with a surface can prupose a great jib.

Rider 1 - I bget you cant land a rodeo 720
Rider 2 - Bet i can

Rider 1 - This sucks and really hurts when you hang up
Rider 2 - Hell yer

Rider 1 - Whoa that handrail could be one amazing photo opp
Rider 2 - Hell yer

Freestyle snowboarding rules

by Jordan "muzzy" April 27, 2006

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