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cheeseburger tribute

buying an extra cheeseburger from a fast food outlet, at lunchtime to give to a well respected senior colleague.

"ive been to the burger place. here's your cheeseburger tribute."

by the_jim March 31, 2014

Squirt tribute

When a girl is stalking her step sister or other women photos on the internet and masturbate to it.

A masturbation session where u reach

Orgasm to a woman you would like to have hot oral sex and Tribadism with, or have a crush on.

The act of squirting or peeing on a picture during masturbation.

Jessica:" I lend you my phone and when I come back for it, it smells like pee"
Jennifer:"I'm sorry!, I saw your pictures and I couldn't control myself and masturbated to it", "I imagine us tasting each other's clit and scissoring"
Jessica:" we may not be related by blood but I am still your sister, you cannot be doing stuff like this "

"Squirt tribute" is the act of a women masturbating to pictures of her step sister or other women

by Incest Blunder December 7, 2020


When you hook with a woman that looks like your girlfriend or wife

I know she looks just like you, but didn't cheat on your with her babe. I was paying a tribute to you

by six-finger-hand December 22, 2022


Not the greatest song in the world

The song that was sang on that faithful night didn't actually sound anything like this song, this is just a tribute

by Kjturkey May 21, 2022

Forced cum tribute

A Forced cum tribute is when a Person make you ejaculate to them over and over And you have to do it when they say so.

Girl: I started a forced cum tribute
boy: oh, Okay what Is that

girl: Its when i make my boyfriend cum too me over and over again. whether he likes it or no

by Somerandomguy22357 October 27, 2023

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