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Martin London

A man that was given the nickname ,,Michael Jackson". So he would love to visit ,,London" like Michael J. Jackson did. And his next nickname will be ,,Martin London".

Person X: I cannot believe i saw ,,Michael Jackson" yesterday.
Person B: That was ,,Martin" but they are both the same.
Person X: Let us call him ,,Martin London"

by h1ghflyer April 22, 2024

martin london

A person that looks like ,,Michael Jackson". But better call him ,,Martin London".

My new nickname is ,,Martin London"- because Michael Jackson was often there.

by h1ghflyer April 23, 2024

london tube

An uncircumcised British men's "old man."

That dude at the urinal was totally rocking a London Tube!

So I slept with this guy I picked up at the club last night, and he had a serious London Tube!

by Seattle White Thunder October 13, 2015

The London Triangle

Peckham, East Dulwich, Herne Hill - the three pillars of South East London civilisation and also the home of the infamous, the incongruous, the alternatives alternative, the Power Triangle (and friends). Since the New York years PT has been here there and everywhere, but now they're home and reside in The London Triangle. Often spotted having a sweet sweet ale at the ever enduring EDT, or supping on a Crafty over a juicy burger or two at the Brick Brewery or simply kicking back whilst soaking up the rays at the best sun trap in London provided by the Princey R, PT like to hang in the place they are proud to call home.

That place, you know, where PT are from....The London Triangle

Damn, I want to live in The London Triangle

by TheHawkinEastDulwichNow July 19, 2018

London tillmon

The best person in the world.

Jason: You know that girl?
Peter: Yeah, she’s a total London Tillmon

by Bella Anderson August 16, 2021

london chimney

When you're comfy and wrapped up in a blanket in bed but leave just a little opening for airflow and proceed to blast the nastiest most egrigious fart known to man straight through your little exhaust hole and right into your face

Tom: Hey man, I was laying in bed and had the nastiest fart. It came straight through the opening I left in my blanket and suffocated me.

Al: Sounds like you London Chimney'd yourself, mate. Why?

by Senshuro November 13, 2020

london fog

Something that's not sexual but sounds very sexual

Yo that bitch gave me the london fog last night

by SandPie July 31, 2021