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A) A really stupid person who thinks they are owning the system by being racist and hating gay people instead of the CEO’s and billionaires that are actually causing the downfall of society.

B) A really cool person that hates unelected dictators and cosplayers.

I’m a republican I think the government is run by Jewish homosexuals that are trying to implement Marxism. Despite this I love Israel.

King Charles is a poopy head.

by Cats&dogsoveromingdifferences June 1, 2024


Idiot who doesn't know anything about politics

I has a republican believe in the worship of our glorious orange leader donald trump

by Zxcvnm February 26, 2021



"i'm a republican"

"oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were clinically stupid"

by bigoltiddielover August 1, 2022


One of the two main political parties of the USA, catering to alt-right policies and beliefs, In other words, retards

The new mayor of town caters to republicans, he’s a fuckin retard and should be shot

by Booty stealer August 8, 2022


people whose opinions don’t matter and probably still live with there mom. someone who doesn’t believe in science or global warming or believes that there isn’t a pandemic killings thousands of people

person 1: my son just came out as gay!
person 2: i can’t believe he would sin like that.

person1: you’re such a republican ugh.

by i have all the facts April 1, 2022


cant drive, pro life, cats, terrible stickers on their car, named cindyann

That republican probably drives a Kia

by Chop cheese August 16, 2022


A group of politicians that cannot govern, thinks the Constitution is only the Second Amendment, Thinks Actors, Creationists, White Christian Nationalists, and Bubbleheads like Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar can govern or do anything without a Registered Nurse to remind them to breathe.

A group of people that can't think about others, only of themselves.

The Republicans have spent 15 months doing nothing and failing at that. Republican Representative Marjorie Greene rather talk about how AIDS is spread by Chinese controlled Jewish Space Lasers on the orders of Joseph Biden and Hugo Chavez, who are also high on a mixture of Speed and Fentanyl. Also that Michelle Obama is a post-op Transsexual.

by GKuriboh April 28, 2024