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Dynasty Projects

A trashy ass fucking game made by a racist, money hungry owner that goes by the name of kams. His mods suck and they are fucking transgender. All of his mods suck. They banned me a while ago for exposing kams for being a racist. Anyways Byeeee go play Marvel: New Journey where they have reasonable prices, the owner isnt racist and they have better graphics!! 😍🤭😘💋💋💋

Person: “ Hey, whats the trashy game on roblox where the owner is racist, money hungry and his mods suck? “

Me: “ Ohhh, you must be talking about Heroes: Online World “

Dynasty Projects: The worst game to ever exist on roblox

by idkdkskssksksksksksksksk July 24, 2022

Personal Project Report

A personal project report is a shitty report done 3 hours before you hand it in. It comprises of spelling errors, forged dates and dead lines, and fake emails written by you to you. It is the shittiest report you will ever write (if you are an IB student) and honestly, most of us procrastinate getting it done, using the six months they give us to do anything other than the report and using the week before to complete the fucking report, that IB may or may not even read :D

Student 1: did you finish the Personal Project Report yet?
Student 2: I haven't even finished strand i of A.

Student 1: It's due tomorrow...
Student 2: I know.

by ifyckinghateibohmygodpleaseKMS November 27, 2022

project plan

Delivering on schedule, scope, time, budget and expectations

I'm delivering the project plan to time

by IntuStuff May 16, 2017

ulster project

The most bad ass group of people to ever live. People who survive this epic adventure are blessed with infinite knowledge and have the aesthetic body of a god. The most memorable Ulster Project ever was the 2013 group to Lake Charles where shit went down and the culture of South America was forever changed.

Guy1: were you on the ulster project

Guy2: yeah

Guy1: yeah i thought so you're ripped brah

by Jeff Brah December 30, 2014