Source Code

Lukas Wolf

When something is very cleanly structed and done

This is very lukas wolf

boa is des lukas wolf he leggo mio

by WOICHSDWT June 30, 2022

Luka Megurine

A person who was relevant or popular but only for a short amount of time, before getting almost completely forgotten

My sister is a Luka Megurine

by Pyanko April 12, 2024

Luka Glider

Sooo epic and cool and rlly gud at Fortnite.
Can probably knock you out in 2.anyone called Luka is so good at rapping Eminem.
Everyone should subscribe to DJStealthGirl and LukaGlider on YouTube for the best pranks and Fortnite content

Damn you should subscribe to Luka Glider on YouTube right now

by Luka Norman December 7, 2021

Lukas Flint


Lukas Flint is a fag

by AnimeFreak4184 April 17, 2023

luka filipovic

He's like a god

Oh my luka Filipovic!

by arabahmusu123 December 31, 2016

Lukas Petervary

a derogatory term for a white person

you're such a lukas petervary ("petervary can be omitted").
"YOOO, I just got accepted to Ball State"
"U fucking lukas"

by not-a-lukas November 18, 2022

Luka Donbitch

Flopping pussy that yells at refs over every single play and will proceed to cry and rip his jersey if the fouls aren't in his favor. Will also flop when in need of some free throws.

Guy 1: Bro, you see Doncic got smacked by the Celtics?
Guy 2: Who?

Guy1 : Doncic. Luka Doncic. On the Mavs
Guy 2: Ohh Luka Donbitch I know that bum

by desdeploy June 19, 2024