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Jeremie lockwell

The sexiest man alive with the hardest nipples

Omg I want jeremie lockwell so bad!!!

by Sxttago November 20, 2022

jeremy hughes

A douche bag punkass kid who lives in Lynchburg va... always liked him in high school never came on to me.. I woulda sat on his face with my skinny shaved vag. Can't wait to see him again when I cum home from school. Fucking dunce.

I once stared into the eyes of Jeremy hughes... he looked right past me at his friend heran. Fuck heran.

by Shemale August 22, 2017

Jeremy Len

A cute ass mf, he can be a dick sometimes but you gotta love him. Has random outbursts of energy and can’t stop spinning his fidget spinner. Always got the rips when you need the nicotine. Loves cars and would suck a fat penis for an rx-7 spirit S 1999

“Bro who’s got the mf alto
“I bet Jeremy Len does in his dick pocket

by BiscuitBekah December 11, 2019

Pulling a Jeremy

The art of "pulling a jeremy" is when party a does not want to participate in any previously planned activities but instead of relaying the message of cancellation party a (the canceler) gives party b (the cancelee) a maybe, causing excruciating pain to party b and immobilizing them indefinitely.

Friend 1: yo bro we still going to that cougar bar like we planned?

Friend 2: ehh idk bro, maybe i can go but i just stepped on glass earlier and my mom just got home, but ill let you know..

Friend 1: you really a pulling a jeremy right now

by Coachbag August 29, 2023

pulling a Jeremy

Using the same detail more than once to confuse anyone who might be interested in something.

I can't believe it! FNAF just keeps pulling a Jeremy!

by MerBudd January 30, 2023