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sheeps leg

A dry booger hanging out of your nostril.

My blind date was hot, but she had a sheeps leg poking out!

by Grrungy September 15, 2017

Sheep Picks

Supporter of Child Labor

Sheep Picks uses 100% Child Labor to Produce our Products

by Sheep Picks June 27, 2021

Black sheep

When someone performs “the goat” but has a poopy asshole.

I walked in on colon in the shitter but he heard me coming. So he turned around and gave me a black sheep.

by Worm4life September 26, 2020

Black sheep


We have a black sheep today

by Thatshortguy97 March 19, 2022

woo sheep

A woo sheep is an individual who is into New Age beliefs and practices, and what would be perceived by the mainstream culture as dubious or outlandishly mystical, supernatural or unscientific.

Their practices and beliefs suggest that they are independent, free thinkers who have elevated themselves within psycho-spiritual domains. Under pressure from the mainstream culture, they will seamlessly adapt to the dominant narrative and conform with the group in direct contradiction to their stated beliefs.

Laura used to do yoga at a nearby Buddhist temple, but now those woo sheep require injecting herself with an experimental poison to enter the building.

Bernard often talks about woo topics such as individuation, body work, trauma healing, escaping the matrix and occult forces. He was surprised how many so-called “enlightened people” fell for the covid scam. These woo sheep are really just in the early stages of awakening, yet to be fully individuated.

Clif often talks to his audience about the “woo” and the woo people and how they are waking up the normies. The woo people who cave to the mass formation psychosis expose themselves as woo sheep.

by chendigs February 9, 2023

Bob Sheep

A sheep that is fat or lazy. Often seen in farms.

“Look at that sheep over there! It’s so fat and lazy!”
“Yeah! It’s a Bob sheep,”

by Trees are best March 2, 2022

Bob Sheep

A sheep which is very large and lazy

That sheep is so big. It’s a Bob sheep

by Easy Treesy February 17, 2022