Source Code


Sighing face. It can also be used as a sleepy/yawning face. It can also be disappointed.

Example 1:
Hannah: I ate this thing called , "the L". Am I safe?
Rebecca: -=-

Example 2:
Ryan: Wassup?

Jill: It's 10:00pm
Ryan: So?
Jill: -=- Imma hit da sack

by YeetfulandDecitful September 23, 2019

6👍 2👎


Sighing, sleepy, or disappointed emoticon.

Example 1

Wendy: I took something
Gwen: What?
Wendy: The L
Gwen: Keep it -=-

Example 2

Jill: Wassup?
Rebecca: Imma hit the sack. -=-
Jill: Ok.
Rebecca: Night

Example 3

Hannah: I went to India!
Ryan: Did you get me something?
Hannah: No...
Ryan: -=-

by YeetfulandDecitful September 23, 2019

5👍 3👎