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What Donald Trump calls a small loan.

Trump I was given a small loan of $1,000,000

by EmJayee January 6, 2021

12👍 5👎

Ugh Factor 9 Stupidity factor 1,000,000

Possibly the closest thing to Ugh Factor 10 if not worse because of the added in Stupidity Factor. But regarless the equation works as shown below

If (Ugh Factor + Stupidity Factor) > 10,
then You = Loser

But the speciality about the stupidity factor of 1,000,000 is that even though you're fashionably impetant, we don't want you to drop dead because we would appreciate it if you stuck around so we can always have a sweet laugh at your stupidity.

Not only does that shit look wack but you look like a complete retard in the process, please stick around so we can point and laugh at you.

by jake April 2, 2005

45👍 35👎

1,000,000 points

The highest reward for something (taken from points based video-games and Frank's hat in 30 Rock).

Person 1: "Did you get a raise or extra holiday days following your appraisal at work?"
Person 2 "Dude, I totally got both! 1,000,000 points."

by Toad 10-6 March 13, 2012