Source Code


A pleasing progression of chords, as heard in "Cat Empire"'s song 1,4,5. Feelgood and uplifting.

Me: Hey, what's up?
Emo: Aww, nothing. No, EVERYTHING.
Me: You just need a little 145, kid.
Emo: (Smiles)

by Jazz Diabalo August 7, 2006

102👍 37👎


i love money

all day every day 145

by Jizon773 July 28, 2010

32👍 55👎


The girl in the corner, most likely to be left at or near the closing of the bar since all the hot birdies were picked up.
Typically, a grenade which the hot friend has left w/o her and the dude's wingman bailed rather than face the humility...usually picked off by a desperate guy or a bouncer.

See that girl walkin in...total 145'er! HEY WINGMAN !?!

by KA551 September 21, 2006

13👍 4👎

Big 145

A BIG! italian smack the shit outta you family member who takes care of business for that family. These arrogant bastards can usually be found crusin' the streets of Staten Island in SUVs wearing their NorthFaces.

Also the only weight that can be benched by a Staten Island family man. No more, no less.

Example 1
Carl: Yo, John my man. Hows it goin?
John: Eh, nothin much, just benchin the Big 145.

by Slim D. 2K12 January 13, 2004

12👍 8👎

Rule 145

Anything can and eventually will have Hitler merged with it.

A solid example of Rule 145 is the sheer volume of Hitler-crossover fan art that appears on the web--My Little Hitler Pony, Chibi-Hitler, Fonzi-Hitler, Sailor Moon-Hitler, LOLCats-Hitler, Hello Kitty Hilter, etc. First used by Dr. Finney on his weekly "WTF FRIDAYS" column about Deviant Art.

by Head Trauma June 7, 2013

15👍 17👎

case 145

i love han jisung

"i lovd hanjisung, case 145"

by myjisungheart March 29, 2023

3👍 3👎

Embraer 145

"The Embraer 145 is like a compact clown car of the skies, where pilots and passengers have to do the 'in-flight limbo' just to fit in. It's the lovechild of a Brazilian samba dancer and a penguin, with wings so tiny that even butterflies feel sorry for them. It's the airplane version of a scrappy chihuahua, ready to take on the big dogs of the aviation world, wagging its tail in the face of long-haul flights. But hey, at least it's cute, and it gets you from point A to point B with a delightful side of cramped knees and shared armrest battles."

"Once upon a time, a mischievous Embraer 145 decided to challenge a Boeing 747 to a race. The confident little plane zoomed past, waving at the bewildered passengers onboard the massive jet, shouting, 'Catch me if you can, you lumbering sky whale!' It may not have won the race, but the Embraer 145 earned the title of 'Speedy Sparrow' and a lifetime supply of miniature pilot hats for its audacious attempt to outfly the giants of the skies."

by Llalskddj May 29, 2023

2👍 7👎