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March 2nd

If you’re lucky enough to be born on this day you are super sexy and smart

Oh man I was I was born on March 2nd

by MTNJOSE18 November 8, 2019

110πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

November 2nd

On November 2nd you get to slap your tallest friend across the face, if you're the shortest.

Short friend: Hey dude, it's November 2nd
Tall friend: oh no...

by owo shit myself October 21, 2019

449πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

December 2nd

On December 2nd it’s a trend to not go to school. The goal is to see how what happens if no one goes to school 1 certain day to see what happens.

Hey do you know what December 2nd is?

by Pineapple2 October 29, 2019

465πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

April 2nd

April 2nd is for the people with the most amazing sense of humour, as they are too bad-ass to be born as April Fool's babys.

Hey, did you hear about that Steve kid that was born 2 minutes after April Fool's ended, on April 2nd?

Yea, he's a BAMF

by Jon Hung March 31, 2010

164πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

December 2nd

national skip school day

hey did you hear about December 2nd
yeah we're all skipping school

by eatingass101 October 29, 2019

332πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

March 2nd

It’s March 2nd slap your partners ass day

It’s March 2nd slap your partners ass day

by 22333773 March 1, 2020

November 2nd

November 2nd is now officially play Minecraft day. Whenever, or wherever you are you better be playing Minecraft.

”bro it's November 2nd you know what that means! Time for some damn Minecraft”

by losercentral October 22, 2019

83πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž