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6:00 am

the earliest time any human should reasonably be expected to wake up. any earlier should be considered unnatural and should only be attempted if there is sufficient reward

"when i had to get up before 6:00 am for work i could feel my soul slowly being eroded away until i became a mindless drone"

by D-Bizz November 30, 2006

86👍 13👎

6:00 am

The perfect time for cross country runners to go running in the fall/late summer. Especially good time if there is a light drizzle or a warm breeze. If the weather is especially warm, some may want to start at 5:00 am.

We had cross country practice at 6:00 am this morning.

I love waking up early to go running at 6:00 am!

by shapplemapple November 13, 2006

23👍 55👎