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Writing 68G on a small piece of paper or notecard and then putting under your pillow is said to take you out to an unknown strip of land not charted my any map, this place is on the more hostile side of places containing a unknown entity with a face seemingly cut out of existence and does not move, if you get near it or provoke it, it has been known to attack. This is entity 1A and a less hostile but still will attack when provoked, entity 1B has similar facial features but with a feminine body build. There are also helpful and friendly entity’s such as entity 6A and 7A can point to and help lead you to an exit, this exit has little to no details and the only words written on it are “ 56616C65 “.

I, the creator do not advise to do this, we are not responsible for any trauma this may bring if you attempt this, we do not have full info on this site meaning we do not know the full extent of the site’s various effects on the human body

Did you hear how he did the 68G Challenge?

by Anonymous user798 October 31, 2022