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9th grade

Contrary to what many will think, 9th grade was the start of a brand new school life and identity. It was the grade of redemption, where you can make new and better friends, and where you finally have a chance to make better first impressions. If you were unpopular or were a loner back in middle/elementary school, then this definition applies greatly to you.

Just think about it. Now that you are in a huge school made up of 5 different middle schools (and 10+ different elementary schools), now you have another opportunity to introduce yourself in a different manner than before.

Maybe you were an awkward person, had low self-esteem, or were a 'tag-along', and your past classmates therefore thought lowly of you. This time, you can 'right your wrongs' and become that person you've always aspired to be in front of your new peers.

Of course, there's a good chance you'll meet some old classmates again in your courses, but don't let that stop you. Your new peers are what matters the most.

Remember, how you act in this grade will define you in the coming 4 years, so carefully premeditate your first impressions!

Old high school peer: Remember 9th grade? I hated it.

Me: Are you kidding? 9th grade was the shit! Made so many new friends in that year, and I gave off a more sociable and confident demeanor compared to my awkward middle school years. Sure, it may be harder than 8th grade, but compared to 10, 11, 12 it was a breeze! It really all depends on how you look at it.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 30, 2020

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

9th grade

A grade where everyone thinks they are the ''shit'' and is the beginning of a long adventure for 4 years. Most students start out as freshman while the upper class fuckers YEAH I SAID IT apparently thinks freshman are low shit. This year goes by fast just like all and you can have many girlfriends or boyfriends if your in to that. GRADES START TO MATTER AT THIS LEVEL FOR COLLEGE.

Upperclassfucker: I'm going to fuck you up freshman
Freshman: Ohhh Shit!!!!! I just got to ninth grade what the fuck man.
Sophomore: Well at least I'm no longer freshman
Upperclassfucker: Get over here carl I'm not done with you yet 10th grade my ass

Sophomore: Please No please
9th grade
''( Insert Coin )''

by WTFBRUH11 August 25, 2015

43πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

9th grade spanish

Jarod brought a fucking scooter to spanish class and now we made a dance move out it.

9th grade Spanish is funny because he's here

by Jaroko January 17, 2019

9th grade hard

Harder than you've ever gotten before, like in 9th grade. Similar to the dexterity of a rock

Yo bro you see that chick? Yea dawg she got me 9th grade hard.

by donald trompo February 21, 2016

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9th Grade Syndrome

Being shy, Dumb AF, Scary, Inganorant, and un popular

Everytime you go somewhere new, you act like you got 9th Grade Syndrome or something .
β€’Wnen someone is to nervous to do or say something.

β€’When some someone is not even smart on a basic level.

β€’A basic punk
β€’A person who say inappropriate things or things at the wrong time
β€’A lame person with 3 or less people

by Father Tezz April 11, 2018

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Daniel 9th grade campus

The principle is a dick stole my fucking juul and dab pen hes mad his 5 year old daughter has a crush on me the girls are hoes cough* cough* trinity terrel cough* they fuck every dude in the place. the place is full of gay white boys who juul hit box mods and braid each others pubes in the fuckin shower. Home to a dope fucking druggie named aiden bandy he trips on acid in the middle of class cross faded w lean he smokes in the restrooms and makes them smell fucking dank and he hates durnil bc durnil is gay asf. btw aiden created this.

mr.Durnil: tity fuck the lasagna Daniel 9th grade campus

by Aiden Bandy BITCH October 15, 2019

Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja

The pacing is bad, the comedy is bad, the character consistency is awful, the writing is the actual worst, HOWARD IS THE WORST SIDEKICK I HATE HIM SO MUCH HE'S AN ABUSIVE GASLIGHTING ASSHOLE WHY DOES RANDY FUCKING PUT UP WITH HIM ITS ACTUALLY REALLY SAD, Julian is a lowkey school shooter, Bucky is Bucky, Randy is nothing, the rest of the characters are either terrible people or stereotypes. Overall pretty epic show bash is my favorite monkey. (:

god stop making porn of Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja characters they are actual children

by BashJohnson April 11, 2019

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