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a billion dollars

What's cool.

You know what's cooler than a million dollars?

A billion dollars.

by SpruceBringsteen October 16, 2010

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billion dollar baby

Billion Dollar baby means that from a young age you've had the mentality and mindset that you're gonna make it in life, go places and make alot of money

I'm a "billion dollar baby" man, been on this shit since I was a jit

by Willllay November 17, 2019

Billion Dollar Bitch

A female that is such a bitch that one would leave her even if they were giving up a billion dollars

Guy one: Jenna is such a billion dollar bitch, man. I'd part with a testicle if it meant never speaking to her again
Guy two: I guess she is a Billion Dollar Bitch

by Beekmaster21 September 21, 2018

Billion Dollar Baby

Billion dollar baby
Rubber little lady, slicker than a weasel,
Grimy as an alley
Loves me like no other lover

Billion dollar baby
Rubber little monster, baby, I adore you
Man or woman living couldn't love me like you, baby
We go dancing nightly in the attic
While the moon is rising in the sky
If I'm too rough tell me
I am so scared your little head will come off in my hands
Billion dollar baby
I got you in the dimestore
No other little girl could ever hold you
Any tighter, any tighter than me, baby
Billion dollar baby
Reckless like a gambler, million dollar maybe
Foaming like a dog that's been infected by the rabies
We go dancing nightly in the attic
While the moon is rising in the sky
If I'm too rough, tell me
I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands
Million dollar baby
Billion dollar baby
Trillion dollar baby
Zillion dollar baby

by WorseThanHitler December 18, 2020

The Billion Dollar Question

"Who's Got Weed?"

So... here's The Billion Dollar Question.... Who's got weed?

by The guy who makes definitions January 3, 2012

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the sixty-four billion dollar question

The essence of the equation. The pertinent point. That which lies at the heart of the matter, adjusted for inflation.

Where the TARP money went is the sixty-four billion dollar question.

by maximo hudson February 4, 2009

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