Source Code

AC Slater

When you decide to markdean taking a crap on the toilet facing the wrong direction. Much like how AC Slater sits in a chair when he's at the Maxx.

I had to markdean so bad but I wanted to read the poster behind the toilet so I decided to take an AC Slater. Afterwards my knees were bruised much like Lambourn's.

by clarksd September 8, 2006

650👍 110👎

AC Slatering

When you sit backwards on the shitter, and take a disgusting diahrrea dragon dump like AC Slater sat on his chair in saved by the Bell.

Arby's decided that on Metsrefugees, he would put a video of himself AC Slatering. Sadly, his large girth prevented him from effectively accomplishing the maneuver, and some shit hit the floor.

by danman1202 November 28, 2007

132👍 60👎

ac slater

That fine specimen of a jock from saved by the bell. Usually sporting the most up to date fashion items and greasey mullet to boot.

Girl 1: "AC Slater is soo hot"
Girl 2: "Hands off his cheesey smile belongs to me!"

by Matt and Fay April 5, 2004

73👍 169👎

AC Slater

the anti-christ taking the form of a young teen who makes fun of the mentally challenged on a daily basis. ac obviously stands for anti christ and slater is there to fool fans of saved by the bell into doing the work of the devil. also a total douchebag

dude get your crucifix here comes Ac Slater.

that kid making fun of "red helmets" is such an AC Slater.

dude AC Slater from saved by the bell told me to trip the special kid when he walks by my locker

by reed "the bomb" johnson June 18, 2008

21👍 192👎

Upper Decker Blumpkin AC Slater

This act requires both a male and female to perform. A male takes a crap in the upper tank of the toilet while performing a delicate balancing act, and getting his cock sucked, as the female takes a crap on the toilet facing the wrong direction. Much like how AC Slater sits in a chair when he's at the Maxx.

I got my girlfriend so drunk that I was actually able to convince her to perform the Upper Decker Blumpkin AC Slater with me while my buddy hid in the closet and video taped the performance!

by GivinHer TheBusiness December 4, 2007

306👍 109👎

Double Decker House Wrecker Blumkin AC Slater

Carefully removing the toilet tank cover, dropping a deuce in the upper tank while receiving a blojob from a partner that is taking the browns to the superbowl and positioned backwards on the seat as if AC Slater from 'Saved By the Bell.' After all purging , liberally wipe and if necessary add extra toilet paper to the lower tank to ensure a severe toilet clog.

I caught Hercules bull riding my girlfriend so before I left I gave him the good ole double decker house wrecker blumkin ac slater.

by jaggofilth July 20, 2009

17👍 8👎

The AC Slater 69 Blumpkin Option with a backside Georgia Mudslide Reverse

Occurs when a gentleman takes a shit while facing the toilet's water system (inverse of typical operation) and a woman nosedives facefirst down on his dick to perform fellatio while the woman spreads her legs so the gentleman has the option to eat a bitch out. The Georgia Reverse is a bold notion that permits the said gentleman to reach around and fingerblast the woman's anal cavity causing double-stimulation that could occur in utmost insatiable pleasure.

Spoken-for boyfriend: Hey slut, want to engage in The AC Slater 69 Blumpkin Option with a backside Georgia Mudslide Reverse?

Random Slut: What is that?

Spoken-for boyfriend: Well, slut, it occurs when a gentleman takes a shit while facing the toilet's water system (inverse of typical operation) and a woman nosedives facefirst down on his dick to perform fellatio while the woman spreads her legs so the gentleman has the option to eat a bitch out. The Georgia Reverse is a bold notion that permits the said gentleman to reach around and fingerblast the woman's anal cavity causing double-stimulation that could occur in utmost insatiable pleasure.

Random slut: Oh my! Why yes, I would like to perform an AC Slater 69 Blumpkin Option with a backside Georgia Mudslide Reverse!

by JackHenryHofstra January 1, 2011

22👍 12👎