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Ad Revenue

Non Existent on YouTube anymore

Poor youtubers can’t get Ad Revenue anymore because YouTube sucks

by Average YouTuber March 13, 2019

Ad Revenue

Making money by displaying Ads on a website, YouTube Channel, ect.

Person 1: Do you see the amount of cash that YouTuber is carrying?
Person 2: Yeah, he must have a shit-ton of Ad Revenue.

by 44. Magnum October 5, 2016

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10 minute ad revenue

Where a youtuber makes his youtube video 10 minutes long so he/she can put more ads in the video , which in return makes them more money.

Youtuber: Dude you're such a fucking sell out you made your video 10 minutes long just for that 10 minute ad revenue
Youtuber 2: Uhhh No?

by weedsm0k3r36 April 18, 2017

Youtube Ad Revenue

Youtube ad revenue, you get money per ad but nowadays nothing is monetized.

*Guy 1 calls minecraft youtuber*
Guy 1: AYY MAN how much Youtube Ad Revenue do you have dude?
Minecraft youtuber: Yeah man.. i said Mojix once and now i have no ads..
*Guy 1 ends call*

by Jeffydickballs December 19, 2017

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