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AP Government

one of the easiest AP classes especially if your teacher is a grandma, who will raise your grade if you tell her, "Please i need this grade for college." also a good time to do work for other classes because there will be countless times when the one nerd kid who is an extreme Democrat, battles the hardcore republican teacher.
Also a class that no teacher likes to teach because the material is quite boring and very easy to learn.

Joe: What did you do in AP Government today?
Me: Math homework.
Joe: weren't we supposed to take extensive notes on elections today?
Me: yea, but the teacher got up arguing about Obama's Health Care Bill with another kid, so we never got around to it

by TheWizard55 January 26, 2011

94👍 55👎

AP Government

A class that you either pass or fail. You will learn a lot, but you will forget eveything you learned the next year, because the class goes by so fast. No matter how hard you study, you will not get higher than a C+

Our whole class got 3's on the AP Government exam, because we didn't study for 12 hours.

by Hello_Kitty January 6, 2008

69👍 100👎

ap comparative government and politics

"Use the comparative method to analyze and assess the diversity of political life, institutional alternatives, differences in processes and policy outcomes, and the impact of global political and economic changes." -From the college Board

compare the different forms of government in ap comparative government and politics

by RedUrbanGuy October 22, 2017