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Servant of Allah or slave of allah.

The Generous One, The Gracious, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status
Abdul meaning- servant
Karim-Means "generous, noble" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition الكريم (al-Karim) is one of the 99 names of Allah.

Karim Karim Abdul-Karim Abdul-Karim went inside the café and I followed. Another way to spell Karim is Kareem Other ways to spell Abdul is Abdoal Abdoal or Abdool Abdool. It does not matter.

by Diablo/ShadowGamer March 26, 2018

39👍 2👎

Abdul karim

A person who loves to be loved. Likes to travel. Loves shushii and hate to be called boring. Lives a simple life and enjoy every second of it. And would do anything for a person he loves.

Sanna:Hi Abdul karim!
Abdul karim: Hi sanna
Sanna: could u wake up at 5 a.m and do this work for me plsh
Abdul karim : of course my love!

by Shushi lapash January 1, 2017

Abdul curry Karim egg

A weird boy who loves curry and has a sexual fetish for cream eggs

Mark: “Hey Abdul curry Karim egg what are you eating?”
Abdul: *stuffs cream egg down his pants* “ it’s a cream egg, and I ain’t eating it!!”

by Ima Fucking noncé March 31, 2019