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after prom

the cure for fun, the absence of enjoyment

My after prom fucked a big one.

by does it matter? my prom sucked April 24, 2006

18👍 10👎

after prom date

the person you hook up with after prom when its not your prom date

john is going to prom with Lisa but his after prom date is Jessica.

by igotyobitchdoingsplitsonmydick April 3, 2016

22👍 2👎

After Prom Party

A party which takes place after a prom where the party host invites everyone whos going to the prom.

Person 1: I'm having an after prom party.
Person 2: A'm I invited?
Person 1: Are you going prom?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Then you're invited!!

by NotTheCowboy June 22, 2012

9👍 4👎

After Prom Pussy

When a females shame hole is extraordinarily sweaty causing it to smell like week old fish wrapped in sourdough bread.

" Yo, I went to go down on Katie and when I pulled down her panties, noxious fumes bellowed out of her After Prom Pussy"

by The Clit Stomper September 10, 2011

5👍 7👎