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Angry butt sex

when someone is really angry and they decide to put there dick in someones butthole and puts it so deep that when the angry butt sex is over the person recieving the butt sex is sore for the next 2 weeks.

man dude that was some great angry butt sex we had two weeks ago, im still pretty sore

by angry gay guy January 8, 2012

45👍 22👎

angry gay butt sex

Butt sex between two homosexual men, at least one is required to be angry.

Hey Justin, I heard you received angry gay butt sex from usher.

by Stevie-O August 2, 2014

30👍 5👎

Angry Barbarian Butt Sex

When the penis is in the partners butt and you body slam your partner on the ground while you are on top repetitively with you penis still in the butt.

Joe: Damn, my dick has never been so sore.
Nick: Why is it sore?
Joe: Me and Monica had angry barbarian butt sex last night.
Nick: Holy shit! dude forget about your dick is she ok?

Joe: I don't know but she is in the hospital.

by Lilchunks July 27, 2013

8👍 5👎