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Annie Hall

A popular 1977 Romantic Comedy film directed and co-written by Woody Allen. Won 1977 Oscars/Academy Awards for Best Actress (Diane Keaton), Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Picture. The movie llustrates the ups and downs of a relationship between an adventurous wannabe-singer (Keaton) and an introverted cynic (Allen). Sort of like "When Harry Met Sally" but better.

That Annie Hall movie makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

by artistchick November 12, 2006

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Annie Hall

(verb) When you fall in love with someone you never thought you would; irrational crush on someone

- You're an astrophysicist and a billionaire! How come you're dating a waitress?
- I don't know, I guess she Annie Hall'd me.

by careful August 17, 2015