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Ares Galaxy

A P2P program that is way better than Lime Wire. Has faster download times, gives you the complete version for free rather than constantly telling you to go buy it, doesn't come up with fifty results of porn, advertising or other shit not even remotely relevant to what you were looking for when all you were trying to do was download music, takes less time to start up/shut down, and has a much nicer cleaner, easier to use interface.

guy 1: I was on lime wire the other day. I typed in Smells Like Teen Spirit mp3 and it gave me fifty random images of hardcore pornography, 20 random advertisements, and 70 ads for penis enhancement. After half an hour of filtering I was final able to download a real mp3 but it turned out to be a guy saying he did not have sexual relations with some woman.

Guy 2: you should get Ares Galaxy...

by someone on the internet January 31, 2010

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