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Army Cadets

A bunch of kids 12-18 years old that legally get to shoot rifles. They often make fun of sea cadets and air cadets calling them pigeons or the occasional bathtub warrior. They have to shine their boots but often say "Sir, they wouldn't shine".

Also, Blackdown water is NOT clean.

Air cadet: Look at those army cadets
Army cadet: You stupid pigeons

by Lucythekid December 17, 2018

23πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Army cadet

Miniature chavs who run round thinking they're all hard just because they have combat uniform and get to shoot rifles (legally this time) when all they do is roll around in the mud
Also known as pongos

In constant battle with sea cadets, air cadets and marine cadets

"Remember that pongo on greens camp?"
"Oh that army cadet! What a loser"

by Waste of space... July 9, 2009

129πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž

Army Cadet

A person who thinks they are as hard as their mum’s penis just because they have the word β€œarmy” in their cadet force name.
The main traits of an army cadet is all round chavvyness, failure to clean up their buildings, poor personal hygiene and extremely strong B.O

Often known as β€œpongos”

The army cadets left the building uncleaned last night.

by Pheasant Lord February 8, 2018

33πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Army cadet

A self centered cunt who's only goal in life is to be a squaddie so that can tell girls that thre in the Army also there chavs

Person 1 "Did u see that army cadet"
Person 2 " no but i smelt them"
Person 1 " bunch of fucking pongo"

by Suthsayer April 29, 2019

19πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Army cadet

The superior cadet organisation beter the petrol pigeons and puddle Pirates

Puddle Pirates:
Petrol pigeons:

Army cadets: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

by β—‰β€Ώβ—‰β—‰β€Ώβ—‰β—‰β€Ώβ—‰β—‰β€Ώβ—‰β—‰β€Ώβ—‰β—‰β€Ώβ—‰β—‰β€Ώβ—‰β—‰β€Ώβ—‰β—‰β€Ώβ—‰ December 30, 2020

23πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Army Cadet

The best cadet force of them all. Looked up to by the puddle pirates (sea cadets) and the spaceys (air cadets). The army cadets are loved by everyone and gets named things like, Legends, God, Royal, etc.. Everyone loves the army cadets on camps and trips.

Air Cadet: OMG there goes an army cadet we must bow down to them
Sea cadet: Shut up already its disrespectful to the Gods

by Armycadetsarelegends April 3, 2020

16πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

army cadets

it's like a youth club but you get to shoot guns and shit, and all the girls are hottt (ok im biased cos I am one :P)

army cadets rules

by dethkitten March 3, 2009

107πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž