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Arranged Marriage

It's like being forced to choose between like moldy cheese or sick flavoured ice cream even though you want the actual good ice cream

Damn I only had two crappy options to choose between for my arranged marriage

by koogi woogi April 30, 2020

14👍 4👎

Arranged Marriage Disparity (AMD)

when you are married by arranged marriage, and then you don't love your spouse yet he/she loves you , but in the middle of this some suitor loves you and forms a bizarre love triangle, then you quickly divorce the spouse and be with the new lover.

she's having AMD and she's getting hit on by that hot new stud across the other side of the world!

by John Shin March 10, 2005

27👍 29👎

Arrange marriage

marriage of a wife and husband by parents

I hate getting into an arrange marriage

by 459395 April 11, 2023