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art gallery

Where Japanese teenagers go to make out.

The equivalent of the American "make out point."

Japanese female student: "I've got two tickets to the art gallery."

Japanese male student to himself: "SWEET!"

by MeadXKing February 23, 2008

11👍 5👎

Vancouver Art Gallery

Vancouver Art Gallery (V.A.G.) is a pseudonym used for the vagina. It is often used to hide the true nature of a conversation.

Man, there is a nice exhibit down at that Vancouver Art Gallery. I really want to see it!

by t6783 September 30, 2009

27👍 7👎

travis wallace art gallery

a scammer who pretends to have an art gallery and preys on people who are looking for online jobs. he's a creep behind a computer who has no life, is too lazy to go to an actual school, and is too lazy to get a real job. run when he finds you.

you work at travis wallace art gallery?
damn, you're being scammed. RUNN!!

by ffrrrrffrrrrfffrrrr January 3, 2021