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Ashley V

Ashley is that person, that one friend that hard to describe. She is an awesome person full of happiness but can sometimes be too harsh when self reflecting. A real go-getter and awesome person that has a passion for music. Ashley tends to like the color turquoise. Ashley is the person that doesn't start the kak but is always there when the kak happens...she stirs the kak.
A very insightful person and friend. Ashley V's will get rich, especially off some fudge making business...and their hair is like fire.

Me: wow Ashley V.
Ashley V: yeah. Wow.

by MÅRŠ March 19, 2019

Ashley V.

A person who I will always love, they’re perfect, they’re trying, and they’re always there :) -M.X

You Ashley V. is the most perfect person i’ve ever met

by adorbes June 25, 2021