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Atilla the Hun

The brutalist motherfucker ever.
See: deathcore, breakdown

Evan: Dude, I was reading this book on deathmetal and.....
Joe: Did it tell you that Atilla the Hun invented that shit to kill people?

by Sullinger June 30, 2011

15👍 10👎


1. describing a state of physiological hunger bordering starvation, at which point you present certain Mongolian aspects such as rudeness, loudness, impatience, and desire to raid Chinese towns.

Dude, last week, I went to Hometown Buffet, and I swear, this old grandma behind me was so atilla-the-hun-gry that she brought out a giant axe and was warning the seater to get her a table before all hell broke loose.

by Ketchup-n-Coke February 10, 2011

6👍 3👎