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Atlanta Hawks

A very underrated team now, full of young rising stars like Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, and Jamal Crawford, all the fucks above me are wrong.

Man, you see Jamal Crawfor J that 3, man the Atlanta Hawks good

by ATLvagmaster January 31, 2010

111👍 24👎

Atlanta Hawks

the best team in the NBA the only reason they dont win is coz the game is fixed

atlanta hawks lost again last night but did u see tose bullshit calls

by the hills slope December 3, 2006

110👍 53👎

Atlanta Hawks

Worst team in the NBA.

Sweet! The Hornets play the Hawks next, so that's a win right there!

by hawkdude56 May 5, 2005

217👍 155👎

Atlanta Hawks

1: A group of sorry bastards who like every other Atlanta Team get your hopes up and Dash them against the rocks.

2:A group that makes you embarrassed to be from Atlanta.

Don't Atlanta Hawks me man that ain't cool.

by Sickend May 10, 2010

28👍 48👎

atlanta hawks

Pfft! Who cares about that team, anyway?!

Atlanta Hawks suck. BIG TIME.

by PSP Squirrel #1 June 25, 2006

47👍 100👎