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Following the standard pattern (payee = one who is paid), employee = one who is employed, devotee = one who is devoted), an attendee must be someone who is attended, i.e., the SPEAKER not the ATTENDERS in the audience.

Used (with other similar patterns) by people too lazy to look up the correct word.

Attendees to the conference will receive a free copy of the transactions.

by English lover. August 25, 2012

4👍 6👎

Friday Night Class Attendee

A group of elite athletes with superior work ethic and genetics than the common folk. Usually found training hard when their peers are 'lacking. It is said that these people are only half human, and possess extreme athletic and intellectual abilities, which are ordinarily reserved for the gods.

"Wow, Dani absolutely demolished that competition on the weekend."
"Yea, I've heard she is a Friday Night Class Attendee"

by Theancientone42069 March 23, 2023