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awesome to the max

beyond the most awesome thing ever!

you are sooo friggin awesome to the max dude

by k@yl@ July 6, 2006

31👍 4👎

Awesome. Awesome to the max!

a catchphrase said by "that guy" in Futurama Season 4 Episode 9 (Futurestock) emphasizing his 80's style. Back in the 80's "Awesome" and "to the max!" were hackneyed quips that people would spout to sound cool. Nowadays, people usually say it for camp value... especially since even in the 80's it was slightly tacky...

FRY: (whispers to That Guy) Hey, buddy... I'm from the same time as you. Remember that song, Safety Dance?

THAT GUY: Sure do! We can dance!
(starts humming 'The Safety Dance' and Fry follows)

FRY: Y'know, that dance wasn't as safe as they said it was.

THAT GUY: I tell you; Two go-go 80's Reaganauts like us... we could rule this world!

FRY: No question!

THAT GUY: If only someone would give us a shot.

FRY: They're scared of our raw power. Oh, but if you want a job, I could beg everyone at the company where I work.

THAT GUY: Awesome. Awesome to the max!

by adrian sky April 11, 2006

74👍 2👎

Awesome. Awesome to the max!

Catchphrase of That Guy.

Awesome. Awesome to the max!

by Lugs-o October 18, 2004

65👍 8👎

super mega awesome to the max extreme awesomeness times infinity to the power of a ninja

as good as something can ever hope to be. the ultimate in awesomeness.

you should have seen robbo's triangle solo it was super mega awesome to the max extreme awesomeness times infinity to the power of a ninja

by psiclops October 13, 2009

10👍 9👎