Source Code

B Fri

An abbreviation for Best Friend.

"I tell my b-fri shit that I don't tell anyone else."

by candice D May 12, 2005

34👍 29👎

B Fri

West Coast slang for "boyfriend."

She usually treats guys like toys, but her new B Fri must have a spell on her.

by jaaaaaaay December 7, 2006

10👍 20👎

b fri

Slang for "best friend". Comes from those heart necklaces that break in half and you give to your best friend in like, 2nd grade. When you break them, one half says "b fri" and the other half says "est ends".

Dude, I've known her forever, she's my b fri!

by JJ2006 August 22, 2006

17👍 14👎