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A term that usually Indians use to call their real homies. True definition is "son" in hindi, but Indians from America use it to call all of their Indian homies.

Tejas: Aye, what's up

Neil: Ehh, nothing much. What about you betah
Tejas: Just eating some tandoori chicken, and watching the spelling bee
Neil: Aye, Venkat just spelled iridocyclitis , this is getting too intense
Tejas: Tell me about it

by chicken fried rice jr. October 15, 2017

Betah I'm ove

Something that Frank says all the time and it gets really fucking annoying. "Betah" means son in Hindi. "Ove" means over, as in done for. Basically Frank says this when he has a test/quiz coming up, which is almost every day. Sometimes he just says it for the hell of saying it, when there's nothing actually happening.

Tejas: Hey Frank
Frank: Betah I'm ove *click click click*
Tejas: Lol, stop saying that

by war_neverchanges October 4, 2018

6👍 3👎