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big fat ass

the biggest donkey you've seen

billy the farmer's got a nice big fat ass

by Peddebol June 23, 2017

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

big fat ass

Having a big juicy ass, or being a complete slob, fat and sad

Jon: man , Elizabeth has a big fat ass....
Tyler: yeah i know, it's juicy right?

by RedHeadedMadam March 12, 2014

21πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

big fat ass pur

it means your pussy is so fat and juicy.

hey is your pussy fat

yes i got that big fat ass pur

by Kiley Anderson May 26, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hisokas big fat ass

Being Hisokas ass is very nice, it smells like old crusty clothes. He has a very big plastic dildo. (dildo means plastic penis)
Btw Hi Maddy i hope you see this :) anyways. Hisoka and illumi are lovers. LOVERS. have a good day :)

I want to eat Hisokas big fat ass :)

by Hisokaspussy November 16, 2020

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

big fat ass shitting hurry

in an extreme hurry,quickly

the police arrived so the robber left in a big fat ass shitting hurry

by catlady77 March 23, 2011

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Slap that big fat ass week

May 8th-May 14th is national slap that big fat ass week

James: β€œBro did you hear todays May 8th it’s national slap that big fat ass week.”
Rob: β€œOh fuck.”
James: β€œBring that ASS HERE BOY!”
Rob: β€œOH HELL NAH”

by bigblackballzz111 May 8, 2023

Big Fat Juicy Ass

when ur in a bus and its really packed and your walking through the aisle and ur backpack and butt is hitting everyone thats sitting down and u say

(walking in bus aisle and butt smacks someone)

Henry: Big Fat Juicy Ass coming trough, look out!

by yonkersdick May 27, 2011

20πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž